">Why Buy ?
Why Buy ?

Our  Hitches are:  Stronger, Safer, and Smoother

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Our Hitches Solve A Lot Of Problems. Please Call With Any Questons.   

Technical: 803-302-0063   8am to 5pm     East Coast

Sales:         800-642-9367  8am to 5pm     West Coast

E & H Hitch: Ask for Rod  604-534-6200          Canada

Please add up the cost of your Tow Rig, your Trailer, and your Trailer Contents. I do not know how to calculate the Value of Safety and Comfort for your family (it is hard to put a $$ value on this).  The cost of our hitch is usually less than 3% of your total investment not counting the “Safety and Comfort” factor.  Plus you will probably save more in repairs and “wear and tear” than the hitch costs in the first two years of use.

Our “Air Ride Hitch Systems” offer so much more:

  • Smooth Towing (80% Smoother) Seperates your truck from your trailer
  • Safer Towing (75% Safer) Better braking, traction and steering control
  • Prevents damage to tow equipment from “Heavy Duty” Suspensions
  • Keeps your warranty valid if you have frame or sidewall problems
  • Reduces physical damage to livestock and trailer contents
  • Reduces driver and passenger fatigue on long trips
  • To many benefits to list - Cheap Tow Insurance
  • No matter what you tow or what you tow it with, the Air Ride Hitch System will give you the safest and smoothest ride on the market today.

    Receiver Hitches, Gooseneck Hitches, and 5th Wheel Hitches all do what we say and then some. All come with a “2 Year Factory Warranty”. I personally tow with one myself and I was amazed the first time I hit the road, and have felt the difference many times over.

    Just go over a speed bump. Front wheels thump! Rear wheels thump! Trailer thump! Imagine no “THUMP” when the trailer goes over the bump. The trailer an its contents do not feel the bump when your truck goes over it twice ! This is how the Air Ride System eliminates a lot of wear and tear on your equipment. Think about how many times this happens on a concrete highway with tar strips every few feet !!! What a difference!

    The feeling of “control” over your rig is hard to explain, but once you tow with the Air Ride Hitch System you will know what I am talking about. I have animals that ride in our trailer when we travel (cats), it used to take them an hour or so to settle down after riding in the trailer. Now they are ready to go once we are stopped, we hardly get set up and they are bugging us for their toys and treats. The bigger the animal, the bigger the relief.

    Another customer had problems with his wife getting car sick on long trips and as soon as they got to their destination she had to lay down for a few hours to get better. Now, she has no problems with the travel over rough roads and they can extend their driving time each day. They actually travel more as it isn’t such a bad experience.

    Experience for yourself the greatest towing improvement in over 50 years.  Try it for yourself, you will never tow without an “Air Ride” Hitch again.

    Thanks for visiting our site. I look forward to hearing from you, Don

    Improved Handling, Braking, and Traction

    Click for “10” Reasons To Buy

    Still Can’t Make Up Your Mind ??

    Please Feel Free to Call and Ask A Few more Questions

     If you are not sure which hitch you need, please click on the “Hitch Evaluation Form” to give us your specific towing truck/trailer specifications and we will call you back.

    Click Here For A Free Hitch Evaluation

    Click for “Over-The-Road” Referral Program

  • Advanced Air Hitch Inc.
  • 1549 Sand Bar Ferry Rd
  • North Augusta, S.C. 29842
  • “Air Ride Systems”
  • 800-642-9367
  • 803-302-0063
  • Fax: 803-302-0064