">10 Reasons to Buy
10 Reasons to Buy

Our  Hitches are:  Stronger, Safer, and Smoother

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Our Hitches Solve A Lot Of Problems. Please Call With Any Questons.   

Technical: 803-302-0063   8am to 5pm     East Coast

Sales:         800-642-9367  8am to 5pm     West Coast

E & H Hitch: Ask for Rod  604-534-6200          Canada

10 Reasons Why You Should Invest In an Air Ride Hitch System

Safety: All the weight on the tow vehicle and trailer are distributed evenly, therefor giving you increased, positive contact when braking and maneuvering.

Tow Vehicle & Trailer: 80% Less wear and tear on both vehicles and their contents.

Control: The trailer transfers 100% of the inertia under normal conditions(hard connection hitch). With the “Air Ride System” only 20% transfers.

Comfort: 80% reduced movement in the tow vehicle and the trailer.

Trailer Drag: Reduces the front and rear of the trailer from dragging caused by elevation changes in parking lots, gas stations etc.

Unpredictable Road Conditions: Bumps, potholes, expansion joints, curves, hills, other drivers etc.

Sway: Because the tow vehicle and trailer are tracking independently from each other and controlling center line, sway does not even get a chance to start.

Adjustability & Transferability: You can adjust the air pressure for different towing situations even when you change tow vehicles and/or trailers.

Heavy-Duty: Our Product is very strong and virtually maintenance free.

Enjoyment: 80% Smoother Ride and 75% Safer Towing. Driver fatigue is reduced and everyone (family, pets, horses, contents) enjoys a much smoother ride.


Please add up the cost of your Tow Rig, your Trailer, and your Trailer Contents. I do not know how to calculate the Value of Safety and Comfort for your family (it is hard to put a $$ value on this). The cost of our hitch is usually less than 3% of your total investment not counting the “Safety and Comfort” factor. Plus you will probably save more in repairs and “wear and tear” than the hitch costs in the first two years of use.

  • Advanced Air Hitch Inc.
  • 1549 Sand Bar Ferry Rd
  • North Augusta, S.C. 29842
  • “Air Ride Systems”
  • 800-642-9367
  • 803-302-0063
  • Fax: 803-302-0064