">The Air Ride Hitch Story
The Air Ride Hitch Story

Our  Hitches are:  Stronger, Safer, and Smoother

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Our Hitches Solve A Lot Of Problems. Please Call With Any Questons.   

Technical: 803-302-0063   8am to 5pm     East Coast

Sales:         800-642-9367  8am to 5pm     West Coast

E & H Hitch: Ask for Rod  604-534-6200          Canada

For years we have all been towing with out dated hitches, not much better than the pioneers used with their covered wagons. There have been a few improvements but one no has ever gotten rid of the harsh ride due to the transference between the truck and the trailer. The pot holes, tar strips, and uneven roads just keep transferring this harsh ride back and forth between the trailer and truck in a never ending rhythm. .The end result is a rough ride for you and the contents of your trailer, not to mention the cost in repairs to your truck, trailer and contents

This costs you money !!  Lots of it.

The first major improvement came when the trucking industry put “air ride” on their truck cabs to make drivers more comfortable and reduce driver fatigue (so they could drive longer distances with less accidents).  The next step was “air ride” on the semi trailers to reduce freight damage costs.  This was a big improvement but did not stop the total problem which was at the “hard hitch connection” itself. None of the above never really helped the RV industry as it was just considered to expensive and not required.  As RV’s grew in size, and tow vehicles also grew and were made more heavy duty. the need for something better became more important.

The large hitch manufacturers still were happy to sell their old products even though they knew that it was possible to make a smoother, safer product for their customers, but obviously did not want to spend the R&D money to develop what they felt was a small market and not worth the return on their dollar.

Along came a few small business owners who felt the market was out there and that improvements needed to be made for safer and smoother towing.  They invested their money in several different designs that continue to improve every year, and the end result was the “Air Ride Hitch”.  As most of us are not caught up in the Big Corporate greed and red tape, we can constantly improve our designs and provide quality products that will last for years and save you a lot of money in repairs to your equipment, much more than the initial cost of the hitch. I don’t even know how to equate cost to safety and towing comfort. ENTER THE AGE OF THE “Air Ride Hitch”

This saves you money !!  Lots of it.

Who needs an “Air Ride” Hitch ??? Anyone who can afford one !! Do you tow more than 1,000 mile a year, are you having tow problems, do you want the best hitch available ?? If you answered yes to any of the previous questions, you need an Airride Hitch.  When you buy your truck you spend 25,000 - 50,000 dollars (toters 100,000+), your trailer can be anywhere from 25,000 - 100,000+.  This is a lot of money, you carry insurance to protect against theft or property loss, correct, you probably also have an extended warranty for unexpected repairs.  Well, an “Air Ride” Hitch is another insurance policy, it keeps the roads from tearing up your rigs (which is not covered by insurance - “normal wear and tear”), it provides a safety margin in panic braking or unexpected maneuvering situations (collision avoidance), and most of all it delivers a smoother, less fatiguing ride. If you are beat after four or five hours of towing, you will be amazed that you can now tow eight hours and still not be really tired.

  • Advanced Air Hitch Inc.
  • 1549 Sand Bar Ferry Rd
  • North Augusta, S.C. 29842
  • “Air Ride Systems”
  • 800-642-9367
  • 803-302-0063
  • Fax: 803-302-0064