Our  Hitches are:  Stronger, Safer, and Smoother

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Our Hitches Solve A Lot Of Problems. Please Call With Any Questons.   

Technical: 803-302-0063   8am to 5pm     East Coast

Sales:         800-642-9367  8am to 5pm     West Coast

E & H Hitch: Ask for Rod  604-534-6200          Canada

On-The-Road Referral Program

A simple, easy product presentation program for people On-The-Road

Like most successful business today, we live on the sale of quality products and “word of mouth” referrals.  We’ve also found that most of our customers love our Air Ride Hitches and brag a lot about them.

There is another reason our customers brag about our Air Ride Hitches.   We developed a way for you to get paid for “talking up a storm” about our Air Ride Hitch products.  We started our new “On-The-Road” Referral Program,  where our customers tell people about our products and refer them to our company or web site, www.advancedairhitch.com. So, if someone calls or buys our Air Ride Hitches and they tell us your Name, you get paid. It’s that easy !

Our On-The-Road” Referral Program is easy, simple and effective for many people who travel the country attending different trade show, exhibits and events. Sometimes you might just be spending time in an RV Park relaxing when someone will come up and inquire about your hitch, how easy is that? Plus, many people find this type of no-hassle referral program works well within their retirement plans. Remember it is awful nice to receive checks for “shooting off your mouth” to family, friends and other acquaintances about our Air Ride Hitches.

We do two big things after your first successful referral ! First, we will send you a check for $25, $50, $100, or $200.  No, it is not a voucher or credit issued to buy more of our stuff!  Yes, you can cash it and use it for real money. Second, we send you additional checks for $25, $50, $100, $200 each time an individual buys one of our Air Ride Hitch Products and identifies you as the rep.. 

On-The-Road Referral Payoffs

  • Air Ride Hitch Receiver System     -   $25.00 Check
  • Air Ride Hitch Gooseneck System  - $50.00 Check
  • Air Ride Hitch Fifth Wheel System - $100.00 Check
  • Air Ride Hitch Dealer              -         $200.00 Check
  • Signing up for the “On-The-Road” Referral Program is also no hassle.  Just call or fax us with your basic personal information- Name, phone number, mail and e-mail address (if available).  Then we will get you set up as an On-The-Road Rep.

    When customers contact us, our trained sales staff asks each and every customer how they heard about our Air Ride Hitch products or who referred them to us.  So, these people tell us who they spoke with or what advertisement they have seen. This way, we know whether its our advertising that is working or that you’ve sung praises about our products. And, we pay well for those who are doing it!

    Either way, we appreciate your interest in our Air Ride Hitch products. We hope you enjoy happy and safe towing in your travels.

  • Advanced Air Hitch Inc.
  • 1549 Sand Bar Ferry Rd
  • North Augusta, S.C. 29842
  • “Air Ride Systems”
  • 800-642-9367
  • 803-302-0063
  • Fax: 803-302-0064