You use expensive trailers and trucks to tow your expensive cargo! You do whatever it takes to minimize the risk to the "tower and the towee"! But, have you done all you could? The Air Ride Hitch can help you keep maintenance costs to a minimum for your vehicles and the benefits to your animals can’t be measured in dollars and cents! For example: What is the recuperation period for your horse after a long 5-8 hour trip? Does it take anywhere from 1-1/2 to 2 days for the horse to "un-stress"? What about heart rate, colic, sore feet, aching joints and bones? How about the mental attitude and the level of energy?

We’ve got answers!! The Advanced Air Hitch, with its rocking-chair ride, will reduce all these factors at least 70%. This gives you an edge competitively. Your horse is more rested and relaxed, has more energy, and can begin practice within two hours after arrival at your destination. With the 100-year old conventional Conestoga Wagon rigid lock-down hitching, your animal needs two to three days of rest. But, you don’t have to lose that valuable time! Allow the latest technology in hitching to help you realize the most for your money and time, not to mention the tremendous benefit to your horse!

The Advanced Air Hitch, which is available for almost any type of towing situation, is constructed with jig-welded steel,  heavy-duty air bags and space age composites and has a Class 4 rating. These Air Ride Hitches separate the trailer and tow vehicle making them ride independently. This in turn gives the trailer the ability to move on its natural axis, making it safer to pull. This makes pulling with any trailer and truck combination safer because it gives the sway that is inherent when towing a trailer, especially in extreme circumstances.

Remember, if your travel time is greater than 5 hours, the benefits to you and your animal are greatly increased by using the Air Ride Hitch. Mr. Dean Wikel, President of Pegasus Arabian, says his trainers tell him the horses leave the trailers in a better mental attitude, and that it rarely takes more than 2-3 hours before the horses can be exercised and begin practice. Think what an advantage this could be to you! It just makes good "horse" sense.
